The year 2022 is the great year of the awakening to the law of the one love!

vThe year 2022 is going to be a major year in the process of human awakening on earth..

A year of great disillusionment and understanding of what is happening around us.

A year that we will understand that there is a law of one love governing creation,

this law unites all parts of creation together wherever they are.

The one law of love, knows how to connect together things that they were considered opposites within our consciousness and lets them flow together.

This eliminates all opposites and contradictions within us, and we feel more and more united with everything..


Throughout the ages there have been great spiritual men who knew this law of “one love”,

some of them belonged to the stream of the sufi islam culture, some belonged to a jewish kabbalistic stream, some were buddhist practitioners,

especially of the tibetan buddhism.. Some were christians and rastafarian culture..

But the law has always been reserved for relatively few who have studied it and been on that frequency.


From 2022 this law begins to open in masses to the humanity and the world, the knowledge and the learning of it opens up to everyone.

For anyone who wants to be on this supreme frequency.. People and children from all over the world,

connect to this law and connect their hearts to it, and this is a process that has intensified in the coming years..


This new and special song and video clip’ that came out at the beginning of the year 2022 [right now],

describes the awakening of humanity to the law of one love,

the awakening to the fact that we are all part of one big family of light and love, and

then no external factor will be able to control our consciousness and our lives.

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